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Ondo Man In Court For Paying Prostitute With Fake Alert

Oluwafemi Damilola, a man accused of defrauding four prostitutes of a total sum of N45,000, has been presented before the Chief Magistrate Court in Ondo State. According to the victims, Damilola engaged their services for sexual purposes and subsequently used a counterfeit alert to make payment.Upon receiving the report, the local authorities took swift action, resulting in Damilola’s arrest. He was subsequently charged with two counts of fraud and brought before the court. The alleged incidents occurred in October 2022 in the Sabo area of Ondo town, as disclosed by the police prosecutor, Akano Moremi.During the court proceedings, the charge was read, stating that Damilola conducted himself in a manner likely to cause a breach of peace by fraudulently engaging in sexual relations with the victims. Additionally, he was accused of indecently assaulting the female victims under the pretense of sending them the agreed sum of N45,000. Instead, he intentionally sent them a fake alert, aiming to defraud them sexually. These actions constitute offenses punishable under Sections 249 and 360 of the Criminal Code Cap 37 Volume 1 Law of Ondo State of Nigeria, 2006.The prosecutor informed the court that five witnesses would be summoned to testify in the case and requested a later date to review the case file thoroughly.However, the defendant’s counsel, S. A. Iluyemi, revealed ongoing settlement negotiations between the involved parties. Consequently, he appealed to the court to release his client, assuring that Damilola would remunerate the complainants before the next adjournment date.Considering the defense’s application, Chief Magistrate Charity Adeyanju granted the request and ordered Damilola’s release into the custody of his counsel. Additionally, she mandated that the owed amount be paid to the complainants before the forthcoming adjournment.Ondo


Ademola Adeyemi

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