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16-year-old Girl Commits Suicide in Oyo State After Being Rape by Her Boss’s Husband

In a distressing incident that has shaken the Eruwa community in Oyo State, a 16-year-old girl identified as Olayemi Agbeloba has died by suicide after reportedly being sexually assaulted by the husband of her employer. The man, known only as Ajibode, is said to have raped the minor at the couple’s residence, prompting a chain of tragic events.According to reliable sources, Ajibode, a welder by profession, not only violated the young girl but also resorted to threats of violence if she dared to disclose the heinous act. Olayemi Agbeloba, who was apprenticing under Ajibode’s wife to learn fashion design, had been living with the couple to assist them with domestic chores.The horrifying incident occurred on June 23, 2023, when the minor was asleep in her room at the couple’s residence. Ajibode allegedly entered the room and perpetrated the assault, leaving the traumatized teenager deeply affected. Overwhelmed by the distressing ordeal, Agbeloba tragically consumed a substance suspected to be insecticide, leading to her untimely demise.The bereaved father, Sunday Agbeloba, stricken with inconsolable grief since learning about the circumstances surrounding his daughter’s decision to take her own life, immediately lodged a complaint at the Eruwa Police Station, seeking justice for his late daughter. However, his anguish was compounded by the alleged perpetrator’s audacity. Ajibode, now in police custody, has reportedly boasted that he has influential connections and will evade punishment.Heartbroken and tearful, Agbeloba’s mother, Folake, in her quest for justice, revealed that her daughter had previously confided in her about Ajibode’s unwelcome advances during her nighttime rest. She expressed her outrage at the cover-up attempts made by Ajibode and his wife, demanding accountability for the egregious crime that claimed her daughter’s life.When approached for comment, the grieving parents, unable to provide Ajibode’s contact information, instead offered the phone number of his wife, hoping to facilitate communication with him. However, Ajibode’s wife declined to speak to our correspondent and refused to disclose her husband’s mobile number, insisting on an in-person meeting before making any statements.Confirming the incident, DSP Asewale Onifeso, the Oyo State Police Public Relations Officer, acknowledged that a case involving homicide and alleged defilement had been reported at the Eruwa Divisional Police Headquarters. He assured the public that the investigation had been prioritized and pledged to provide further updates as the inquiry progressed.This heartbreaking tragedy has ignited widespread outrage and calls for justice within the community, as Olayemi Agbeloba’s family and concerned citizens demand that the full weight of the law be brought to bear on the alleged perpetrator. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for effective measures to prevent sexual violence and protect vulnerable individuals from such abhorrent acts.


Ademola Adeyemi

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