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20 People Burn to Death in Ondo State While Trying To Steal Fuel From A Toppled Petrol Tanker

In a devastating incident that occurred on Sunday, a horrifying fire erupted in Ore, Odigbo Local Government Area of Ondo State, claiming the lives of no fewer than twenty individuals. The victims met their untimely demise while attempting to scoop fuel from a petrol tanker that had toppled and spilled its volatile contents along the busy Benin–Ore-Sagamu Expressway.According to an eyewitness account, the unfortunate blaze was sparked by a mobile phone held by one of the individuals engaged in fuel scooping. The fatal accident tragically included the loss of three innocent children and a pregnant woman, who had reportedly arrived at the scene with N100,000 to purchase fuel.Recalling the harrowing event, the eyewitness stated, “We were inside the church when the tanker fell and spilled its contents on the road. Despite the rain pouring down, some individuals rushed to the site to scoop fuel. It was during this moment that the fire broke out, ignited by a spark from a mobile phone.”The scene was described as nothing short of heartbreaking, with several bodies beyond recognition. The pregnant woman’s intentions to buy fuel only added to the gravity of the disaster.Mrs. Funmilayo Odunlami, the Ondo State Police Public Relations Officer, confirmed the incident, identifying the victims as fuel scoopers. The police have since launched an investigation into the tragic event.The sorrowful event serves as a stark reminder of the dangers inherent in engaging in such risky activities. The loss of lives is a profound tragedy, and the community mourns the untimely passing of these twenty individuals. Authorities are urging the public to exercise caution and prioritize safety, especially in situations involving hazardous substances like petroleum products.


Ademola Adeyemi

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