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GUN vs JUJU: Witch Doctor Abducted by Gunmen in Anambra State

An Anambra-based native doctor, identified as Akwa Okuko Tiwaraki, has been abducted in a daring incident that occurred in the Idemili North Local Government Area of the state. The abduction took place on Sunday night when a group of armed men reportedly raided the popular witch doctor’s hotel located in the Oba community.Tragically, during the operation, the assailants callously shot dead Tiwaraki’s two bodyguards before forcibly taking him to an undisclosed location. The ease with which the abduction was executed has raised concerns within the community, prompting questions about the native doctor’s purported status and power.Akwa Okuko Tiwaraki was well-known for his claims of being both powerful and affluent, and his opulent mansion in the area attracted people seeking anti-bullet charms and money rituals. However, this brazen kidnapping has cast doubt on the extent of his influence and security measures.In response to the distressing incident, the State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Toochukwu Ikenga, has officially confirmed the occurrence, stating that it took place at approximately 11:30 p.m. As authorities strive to apprehend the abductors and secure Tiwaraki’s safe release, the situation remains tense and demanding.The Anambra State Commissioner of Police, CP Aderemi Adeoye, has issued a directive to deploy operatives to track down the perpetrators and take all necessary measures to secure the prompt release of the abducted native doctor. The incident has sent shockwaves throughout the community, and residents anxiously await updates on the efforts to resolve the situation and bring the perpetrators to justice.


Ademola Adeyemi

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