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Niger Coup Leaders Establish New Government

In a development marking a significant shift in Niger’s political landscape, the military authorities that orchestrated a coup in the preceding month have officially established a fresh governmental structure. The pronouncement, delivered via a televised decree on Thursday, unveils the composition of this new administration.At the helm of this 21-member assemblage is Prime Minister Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine, who assumes the pivotal role in steering the nation through this transformative period. Notably, high-ranking officers drawn from the recently constituted military governing council have been entrusted with key ministerial portfolios, particularly overseeing the domains of defense and interior affairs. This strategic configuration underscores the prevailing influence of the military echelons within the corridors of power.The formation of this new government stands as a tangible manifestation of the junta’s aspirations to reconfigure the governance paradigm in Niger, raising both optimism and apprehensions regarding the trajectory that the nation’s political and administrative landscape will now traverse. As Nigeriens grapple with this turn of events, international observers keenly await the unfolding implications for the region’s stability and diplomatic dynamics.


Ademola Adeyemi

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