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Herdsman Arrested in Plateau State for Allegedly Chopping Off Man’s Hand

Plateau State Police Apprehends Herdsman for Severe Assault in Lakushi CommunityIn a disturbing incident that has ignited widespread concern, the Plateau State Police Command has confirmed the apprehension of one Abdulrahman Kaila, a herdsman at the center of an alleged violent confrontation in the Lakushi community of the Shendam Local Government Area. The altercation reportedly culminated in the victim suffering the loss of his hand.The episode came to public attention via a harrowing video that rapidly disseminated across social media platforms last week. The footage featured the afflicted farmer clutching his severed right hand, a scene accompanied by the disconcerting sight of blood pooling onto the ground. In the footage, the farmer can be heard recounting that a Fulani herder, later identified as Abdulrahman Kaila, took drastic action, severing his hand following a dispute over the grazing of cattle on his farmland.Upon being apprised of the situation, the Plateau State Police Command promptly initiated an investigative response. The spokesperson for the command, Alabo Alfred, affirmed that the suspect had been successfully taken into custody through a coordinated operation executed by the police’s intelligence network. Alfred clarified that the apprehension was not a voluntary surrender but rather the result of a strategic law enforcement effort, the specifics of which remain confidential.Detailing the unfolding developments, Alfred shared, “Following the swift response of the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) under the directives of the Commissioner of Police, the suspect was apprehended. During the ensuing investigation, the suspect provided his perspective on the circumstances surrounding the incident.”In his testimony during the investigation, the detained herdsman claimed, “While grazing my cattle, the farmer approached me and demanded that I vacate the area, citing that his land was designated for rice cultivation. Subsequently, he asserted that my cattle had wreaked havoc on his farm. A confrontation ensued, and amidst the escalating quarrel, the unfortunate incident unfolded. Regrettably, I am unable to account for how the situation escalated to the point where the farmer’s hand was severed. My actions were neither premeditated nor deliberate.”Acknowledging the completion of the investigative process, the Plateau State Police Command revealed that arrangements for the suspect’s appearance in court were in the final stages. The Public Relations Officer (PPRO) disclosed that the suspect is slated to face legal proceedings imminently, stating, “The conclusion of our inquiry has paved the way for the suspect to be arraigned in court, with proceedings expected to commence on Monday or Tuesday.”This unsettling incident has cast a somber light on the complexities and tensions inherent in the coexistence of farmers and herders within the region. As the legal process unfolds, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the imperative to foster peaceful dialogue and understanding in order to mitigate future clashes.


Ademola Adeyemi

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