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Emefiele’s Arraignment Encounters Further Delays and Mysterious Absences

The anticipated arraignment of Godwin Emefiele, the suspended governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, in connection with an alleged N6.9 billion procurement fraud, has encountered yet another setback.Previously delayed on August 17 due to the indisposition of the second defendant, Sa’adatu Yaro, the case remains ensnared in complications. Yaro’s absence, attributed to her health condition, resulted in an adjournment by the presiding judge, Justice Hamza Muazu, to August 23 for the formal presentation of charges against the defendants.However, to the bewilderment of observers, the case failed to make an appearance on the court’s docket for the scheduled day. The absence of any clarification from the court officials as to the cause of this omission left journalists puzzled.Furthermore, the courtroom witnessed the absence of legal representatives from both sides, further adding to the air of uncertainty surrounding the proceedings.


Ademola Adeyemi

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