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Peter Obi Sets the Record Straight: No Involvement in Rufai Oseni’s Father’s Burial Financing

In a recent turn of events, Peter Obi, the prominent figure vying for the presidency under the Labour Party banner, has vehemently denied the accusations surrounding his alleged financial contribution to the burial expenses of Rufai Oseni’s late father, a respected Nigerian journalist and television presenter.The controversy emerged just days after Reno Omokri, the former Special Assistant to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan, took to his social media platform on August 25 to assert that Obi had indeed supported the funeral arrangements of Rufai Oseni’s father. Accompanying his statement was a snapshot capturing Obi and Rufai together.Omokri’s message posed several pointed questions, aiming to ascertain whether Peter Obi had directly or indirectly provided monetary aid to Rufai Oseni for the burial expenses, and whether this financial assistance had subsequently swayed Oseni’s stance in favor of Obi. The text also highlighted Oseni’s apparent promotion of Obi through the AriseTV platform and alleged bias against Omokri for not endorsing Obi’s presidential ambitions.In a swift response conveyed through his social media channel, Peter Obi firmly rebuffed the claims, labeling them as a “categorical lie.” In his post, Obi addressed a recent episode involving his name being associated with a “malicious and cheap blackmail” against Rufai Oseni. Acknowledging Oseni’s past efforts in holding truth to power, Obi refuted any suggestion of financial involvement in the burial arrangements, stating that such claims are baseless and divorced from reality.Obi’s post went on to underscore his principled approach to engagements with journalists and media personnel, asserting that he neither resorts to monetary inducements nor entices journalists to write favorably about him. The politician clarified his consistent practice of attending events when invited, particularly those involving grieving individuals, but affirmed his lack of familiarity with Oseni’s background and whereabouts.Casting a pall over the unfolding situation, Obi expressed bewilderment at the motivations behind tarnishing reputations without just cause. He extended well wishes to those involved in such activities and offered a prayer for divine mercy upon them.In a broader context, Obi took the opportunity to redirect attention towards the pressing challenges afflicting Nigeria. He urged collective efforts to combat poverty and alleviate the suffering faced by millions of Nigerians who are uncertain about their next meal. Amid the backdrop of these social concerns, Obi’s response reverberates with an emphasis on unity and action for a brighter future.As the political atmosphere continues to evolve, the fervent exchanges between Peter Obi, Rufai Oseni, and Reno Omokri serve as a stark reminder of the complex dynamics at play in Nigeria’s political landscape.


Ademola Adeyemi

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