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Pastor Sets Woman Ablaze During Special Prayer Session in Ogun state

In a shocking incident that transpired on August 17, 2023, at the Cherubim and Seraphim Maberu Parish situated in Offin within the Sagamu vicinity of Ogun State, a disconcerting tale unfolds. Sukura Owodunni, a 21-year-old woman, finds herself in the throes of an alleged horrific occurrence. Sources indicate that the young lady was purportedly subjected to a fiery ordeal during what was meant to be a deliverance session conducted by Pastor Taiwo Odebiyi.According to information collated by PUNCH Metro, the victim had responded to an invitation from the pastor for a special prayer session at the aforementioned church. Under the pastor’s guidance, she procured items deemed essential for this spiritual endeavor – including Amazing Grace perfume, local eggs, and a candle.Under the auspices of this ritual, it is recounted that the pastor anointed the young lady’s form with the perfume and subsequently ignited the candle. However, in an unfortunate and distressing turn of events, the application of fire to the candle allegedly triggered a combustion that engulfed Owodunni in flames, leading to significant injuries to her upper body and limbs.The swift intervention of local authorities was noted when, upon receiving information of the incident, Divisional Police Officer CSP Abdulfattah Ogunsanya and his team swiftly descended upon the church premises. As a result of their prompt actions, Pastor Taiwo Odebiyi was apprehended in connection to the distressing incident.State Police Public Relations Officer, SP Omolola Odutola, verified the occurrence when approached by our correspondent on the subsequent day. She conveyed that a comprehensive investigation had been instigated with the aim of comprehending the intricate circumstances surrounding the event.Adding to the distressing narrative is the revelation that the victim allegedly faced abandonment in the aftermath of the incident, struggling to secure the funds necessary for her medical treatment. Subsequently, she was admitted to a medical facility to receive the attention her condition demands.SP Omolola Odutola articulated the law enforcement’s response to the situation, asserting that the arrested suspect will be subject to preliminary investigation before the case is transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department. As the inquiry unfolds, the underlying motivations and circumstances surrounding this distressing event remain subjects of intense scrutiny.


Ademola Adeyemi

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