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Presidential Election Tribunal Dismisses EU Observer Report and Blurred Results in Landmark Ruling

In a significant development at the Presidential Election Petitions Tribunal on Wednesday, the European Union Election Observers Mission report related to the 25th of February presidential election has been rejected. The report had been submitted by Peter Obi and the Labour Party but faced a decisive ruling by the court.

The court’s decision to dismiss the report was primarily based on procedural grounds. The report was not presented by an official representing the European Union Election Observers Mission, the authoritative body responsible for its creation and custody.

Furthermore, the tribunal also took action regarding another critical piece of evidence. A total of 18,088 blurred results sheets were tendered by the petitioners; however, the court rejected these sheets. One of the key reasons behind this rejection was the lack of clear ties between these sheets and the specific polling units to which the results were attributed. This failure to specify the relevant polling units in their petition led to the court’s decision.

It’s worth noting that an authentic copy of the report had previously been submitted by Atiku Abubakar and the Peoples Democratic Party while presenting their case before the tribunal. This development underscores the complexity and intricacies surrounding the ongoing legal proceedings related to the presidential election.


Ademola Adeyemi

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