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Breaking News: Tribunal Disqualifies PDP Representative in Plateau State

In a significant development, the National Assembly Elections Petitions Tribunal, convening in Jos, Plateau State, has rendered a decisive verdict, nullifying the electoral victory of the two-term incumbent House of Representatives member from the state, Dachung Bagos.

Dachung Bagos, the representative for the Jos South/Jos East Federal Constituency, had secured his position in the February 25 National Assembly poll under the banner of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

However, the tribunal, in its ruling, invalidated Bagos’s election, asserting that the Labour Party candidate, Ajang Alfred, was the rightful victor of the poll. The tribunal’s judgment was grounded in the contention that the PDP candidate had not received a valid nomination from his party to participate in the election.

Notably, this development marks the third instance in Plateau State where the tribunal has nullified the election victories of PDP candidates. Joining Dachung Bagos in this regard are Senator Napoleon Bali, representing Plateau South, and Peter Gyengdeng, representing Barkin Ladi/Riyom Federal Constituency, both of whom have also seen their electoral mandates revoked by the tribunal.


Ademola Adeyemi

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