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Obasanjo’s Wife Appeals for Forgiveness: A Plea to Yoruba Monarchs and the Community

In a move marked by humility and contrition, Taiwo, the wife of former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, has issued a heartfelt plea for forgiveness to Yoruba communities across the globe. Her appeal, encapsulated in a statement titled “Oyo Kings: A Plea for Forgiveness,” was tendered on Sunday, following her husband’s controversial remarks during the inauguration of projects in Iseyin, Oyo state, presided over by Governor Seyi Makinde on Friday, September 15, 2023.

Taiwo beseeched forgiveness not only from the elders and leaders of Yoruba land but also from the entire spectrum of its populace, spanning generations, religions, and traditions. Her message extended to the revered Council of Kings in Yoruba culture.

With the utmost respect for the traditional rulers involved, Taiwo urged them to refrain from seeking retribution for the perceived slights from Chief Olusegun Obasanjo. Her appeal was made with a motherly tone, emphasizing the importance of amicable dialogue and reconciliation.

She stated, “This is my own personal stand on the manner Chief Olusegun Obasanjo addressed the Kings at Iseyin at the road inauguration by Governor Makinde of Oyo State on Friday, September 15, 2023.”

Taiwo, a legitimate member of Chief Olusegun Obasanjo’s family, publicly acknowledged the impropriety of her husband’s conduct towards the monarchs, emphasizing that such behavior was unacceptable to God, the Yoruba culture, and the sanctity of kingship. She lamented that the traditional rulers were treated with unwarranted contempt and humiliation when, instead, protocols could have been followed privately, respectfully, and with kindness.

Drawing from biblical examples, Taiwo underscored the importance of humility and remorse when addressing errors. She invoked instances where figures from the Bible had approached God with contrition, seeking forgiveness despite their transgressions. Her message conveyed the notion that even kings, both mortal and divine, can acknowledge mistakes without resorting to humiliation.

Furthermore, she recognized the historical significance of the institution of monarchy in Yoruba culture, emphasizing its divine origins. Taiwo concluded her statement with a profound and unequivocal apology on behalf of the entire Obasanjo family to the kings of Oyo State, all Yoruba monarchs, and the Yoruba race worldwide, spanning generations, faiths, and traditions.

As the situation unfolds, stakeholders, including the Yoruba Council Worldwide and the Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdurosheed Akanbi, have demanded a public apology from Chief Olusegun Obasanjo within three days, warning of potential consequences if he fails to comply. The controversy remains a subject of keen interest, with all eyes on Chief Obasanjo’s response to this plea for reconciliation.


Ademola Adeyemi

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