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Port Harcourt Barber Dies After Marathon Sex With His Girlfriend

In a shocking turn of events, a local barber known as Otubong has tragically lost his life following an alleged marathon sexual encounter with his female partner in the Mile 2 area of Port Harcourt, Rivers State. The incident took place on Friday, and its details have left the community in a state of disbelief.According to eyewitnesses, the man was seen on Thursday evening ushering the lady into his residence within the densely populated area. It has been reported that the middle-aged barber had consumed various sex enhancement drugs, including alcoholic liquor, prior to the encounter.The following morning, a concerned neighbor ventured to check on Otubong after noticing his door ajar. Upon entering, the neighbor was met with a distressing sight – the lifeless body of the barber.Reflecting on the discovery, the neighbor stated, “Early this morning (Friday), one of his neighbors went to his house to collect something and noticed that the door was open. After futile attempts to elicit a response by knocking and calling out to him, the neighbor made the grim decision to investigate further.”Authorities were promptly notified of the incident, leading to a gathering of residents from nearby streets who sought to ascertain the truth of the matter. Subsequent inspection of the scene by law enforcement revealed the presence of two black bullet drinks, two packs of tramadol, and another sex-enhancing drug within Otubong’s room.As this unfortunate event unfolded, attempts to reach the Rivers Police Command Spokesperson, Grace Iringe-Koko, for comment proved unsuccessful. Despite multiple calls and a text message, Iringe-Koko, a superintendent of police, remained unresponsive at the time of filing this report.The circumstances surrounding Otubong’s demise are both shocking and deeply saddening. The community is left grappling with questions, while authorities continue their investigation into this tragic incident.


Ademola Adeyemi

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