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Hilda Baci finally receives her Guinness World Record plaque for completing the longest cooking marathon

Renowned Nigerian chef, Hilda Baci, can now bask in the glory of her remarkable achievement as she proudly displays her newly acquired Guinness World Record plaque for the longest cooking marathon. Weeks after completing the grueling contest, Hilda finally received the coveted accolade on Monday, capturing the heartfelt moment in a video shared on social media. The 26-year-old culinary virtuoso, widely known as Hilda Baci, solidified her place in history on Tuesday, June 13, when Guinness World Records officially declared her the record holder in the esteemed cooking category.In an official statement posted on the Guinness World Records website, the organization unveiled Hilda as its latest triumphant champion, emphasizing the meticulous examination conducted on all evidence before endorsing her outstanding accomplishment. With an impressive time of 93 hours and 11 minutes, Hilda, under her birth name Hilda Effiong Bassey, surpassed the previous record set by Lata Tondon of India in 2019, which stood at 87 hours and 45 minutes. Throughout the rigorous competition, Hilda masterfully prepared over 100 pots of delectable cuisine, cementing her rightful place in the annals of culinary excellence.Notably, Hilda’s triumphant victory reverberated across social media platforms, captivating the attention of millions worldwide. The Guinness World Records’ tweet announcing her achievement quickly garnered immense traction, emerging as the organization’s most successful post to date, reaching an astounding 25 million news feeds. This remarkable milestone further amplifies the global recognition and admiration garnered by Hilda Baci, propelling her into the culinary stratosphere.As Hilda revels in her well-deserved triumph, the Nigerian chef’s extraordinary feat stands as a testament to her unwavering passion, resilience, and unparalleled culinary prowess. Her Guinness World Record plaque, a tangible symbol of her extraordinary endurance and dedication, solidifies her position as an unrivaled force within the realm of gastronomy.


Ademola Adeyemi

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