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Anambra Vigilante Group Takes Down Terrorizing Suspects in Okija Community

In a significant development on Monday, members of the Anambra Vigilante Group reportedly took down two suspects who had been instilling fear among the residents of Okija community in the Ihiala Local Government Area of Anambra State.According to reliable sources in the area, the deceased suspects and their accomplices had been enforcing compliance with the Monday sit-at-home order in the state, compelling residents to adhere to their demands.Under the cover of darkness, around 3 am, a group of 15 gunmen stormed the office of the vigilant operatives, under the mistaken assumption that they were caught off guard and vulnerable. The assailants attempted to open fire on the vigilante members, but their attack was promptly repelled.Detailing the incident, a source explained, “At approximately 3 am today, a gang of criminals launched an assault on Anambra Security forces, only to face fierce resistance. Two of the assailants were swiftly neutralized during an intense exchange of gunfire. Additionally, two AK-47 rifles were recovered at the scene, while several others managed to escape.””While attempting to flee, many of the gunmen sustained various degrees of injury and bullet wounds as they succumbed to the superior firepower of the security operatives. Fortunately, members of the Anambra Vigilante Group emerged unscathed,” the source added.Christian Aburime, the Press Secretary to Governor Prof Chukwuma Soludo, confirmed the incident and emphasized the paramount importance of creating a safe and secure environment in Anambra State. Aburime stated, “Two suspects were eliminated by the Anambra Vigilante Group in the early hours of Monday. Governor Chukwuma Soludo’s administration places great significance on the need for a sane and secure environment in Anambra State. As such, security forces remain unwavering in their commitment to safeguard the lives and property of the people of Anambra, travelers, and all residents alike.”Residents of the area, who had long endured the terror inflicted by these hoodlums, expressed their satisfaction with the outcome of the incident.The state Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Tochukwu Ikenga, also confirmed the occurrence and revealed that the police were collaborating with the vigilante operatives in a joint operation to apprehend the remaining fugitives from the gang.Ikenga stated, “In the early hours of Monday, the AVG operatives successfully repelled the attack at their office in the Okija community, eliminating two of the assailants and recovering two AK-47 rifles. Thankfully, no lives were lost among the operatives, and the AVG office remains unharmed.”The command urged proprietors of both private and public hospitals to admit and promptly report any individuals with gunshot or related injuries to the nearest police station. Furthermore, based on information gathered by law enforcement personnel, it was revealed that the fleeing suspects sustained bullet injuries, and concerted efforts are underway, in collaboration with AVG operatives, to track them down and bring them to justice.


Ademola Adeyemi

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