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Soldiers Shoot Man in Ogun State for Parking in Wrong Place

In a disturbing incident at the Oriental Transport Company near Magboro Bus Stop, in the Obafemi Owode Local Government Area of Ogun State, a commercial driver named Bolaji Sunday has been hospitalized after an altercation with two unidentified soldiers resulted in gunshots. Sunday had parked his vehicle at the front of the company, aiming to meet someone who could connect him with a potential customer.Upon arriving at the location, Sunday found the entrance guarded by soldiers. As he parked his vehicle, the leader of the soldiers confronted him for occupying the spot. While attempting to explain his purpose, Sunday was met with demands to surrender his vehicle keys and sit in a nearby gutter. Allegedly, when Sunday failed to comply immediately and continued explaining his reason for being there, the soldiers unleashed violence upon him, shooting two of his vehicle’s tires.Desperate to safeguard his life, Sunday recounted from his sickbed at the Real Divine Hospital in Ibafo, Obafemi Owode LGA, that he started to run away, but was reportedly shot in the back by one of the soldiers. The victim described the events leading up to the incident, asserting his innocence and emphasizing that he was merely waiting for a customer. Sunday’s injuries included gunshot wounds to his back and arm, resulting in his current state of suffering.At the hospital, our correspondent observed Sunday’s frail appearance, with bandages encircling his neck and chest. He was connected to several drip containers, reflecting the severity of his condition. His wife, Oluwatosin, expressed her anguish and revealed that despite her husband’s pleas to drive his bus away from the location, the soldiers adamantly refused and proceeded to shoot him. The vehicle itself bore signs of damage, with a shattered windscreen, broken door, and deflated tires strewn with broken glass.An eyewitness, Jubril, a motorcyclist who was present at the scene, suggested that Sunday should have avoided engaging in a dispute with the soldiers, emphasizing the need for a peaceful resolution. However, he condemned both the driver’s actions and the soldiers’ behavior, recognizing the unnecessary escalation that occurred.In response to the incident, the state Police Public Relations Officer, Omolola Odutola, confirmed that investigations were underway to apprehend the soldier responsible for shooting the victim. Odutola assured the public that the Divisional Police Officer was in communication with Sunday and that he was receiving medical treatment. While the exact cause of the soldiers’ extreme reaction remains unclear, the police urged residents to remain calm while they pursued the unidentified soldier.Efforts were made to obtain a statement from the spokesperson for the 81 Division of the Nigerian Army, Lt. Colonel Olabisi Ayeni. However, Ayeni requested time to investigate the matter thoroughly and promised to provide an update once the inquiry was completed. Subsequent attempts to contact Ayeni regarding the progress of the investigation were unsuccessful.As this distressing incident unfolds, questions linger about the circumstances that led to such a violent encounter between the commercial driver and the soldiers. The public eagerly awaits further information and hopes for swift justice for Bolaji Sunday and his family.


Ademola Adeyemi

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