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Deadly Gunmen Strike Plateau Community Again, Claiming Lives of 5 Farmers

In a tragic recurrence of violence, unidentified gunmen have once again unleashed terror in the Kogul community of Plateau State’s Mangu Local Government Area, claiming the lives of five innocent individuals. The deadly assault took place on Thursday night, leaving a trail of devastation and grief in its wake.This latest attack comes merely two days after another merciless raid by armed assailants targeted the Kwahas and Milet communities within the same council area, resulting in the brutal killings of two individuals, including a respected woman leader. These barbaric acts have plunged the region into a state of mourning and heightened fear.Sunday Dalyop, a resident of the Kogul community, shared the harrowing details of the incident with The PUNCH, expressing the anguish and despair felt by the affected community. Dalyop revealed that not only were lives lost, but numerous houses were also set ablaze by the attackers, causing further destruction. The extent of injuries sustained by several others remains unknown at this time.”It is with great sorrow that the people of Mangu bear witness to the tragic events in Kogul Community of Panyam District in the LGA. Fulani militias descended upon our community around 9:00 pm on 06/07/2023, indiscriminately firing their weapons and sowing chaos. As a result, five innocent lives were lost, and numerous houses were reduced to ashes. Our community is left perplexed as to why the security agencies have thus far been unable to apprehend the culprits and put an end to these relentless attacks on innocent farmers in our council area,” lamented Dalyop.The spokesperson for the Plateau State Police Command, Alabo Alfred, was unavailable for immediate comment on the incident when contacted by our correspondent, leaving many questions unanswered and leaving the community further disillusioned.In the wake of these incessant acts of violence, Fidelis Tapgun, a former governor of Plateau State, voiced his deep concern during an interview, describing the situation as profoundly distressing. Tapgun implored the federal and state governments to collaborate closely with local communities and invest in robust information gathering mechanisms to effectively address this grave crisis.”The security situation in Plateau State is lamentably dire, and my heart goes out to the grieving families of the victims. However, I am not privy to the current organization of the state’s security architecture. Regardless, it is imperative that a thorough review takes place. In the 1980s, during my tenure as governor, I was involved in the civil service and held positions such as Secretary of the Local Government, Sole Administrator of the Cabinet Office, and served in the Special Services and Security Departments. During that era, every Local Government Area chairman assumed the role of Chief Security Officer, and a security committee composed of various groups, including traditional rulers, ward heads, market traders associations, DPOs, DSS, and taxi drivers, would convene weekly to share intelligence and reports of incidents within their respective areas. This proactive approach ensured that any impending security threats were swiftly addressed. Reports were then compiled and forwarded to the state government, ultimately reaching the office of the National Security Adviser. Revisiting and reintroducing such a security framework, which proved effective in the past, should be seriously considered by the present administration for the safety and well-being of the people of Plateau State and Nigeria as a whole,” recommended Tapgun.As the citizens of Plateau State grapple with the tragic loss of life and the grim reality of recurring violence, it is imperative that swift and decisive action be taken to restore peace and security to the embattled region. The government at all levels must prioritize the safety of its people and work tirelessly to identify and bring the perpetrators of these heinous acts to justice, providing solace and hope to the traumatized communities.


Ademola Adeyemi

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