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Domestic Worker Kills Employer with Pestle in Anambra

In a shocking turn of events, an unidentified domestic servant is suspected to have fatally assaulted a lecturer at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. The incident, which occurred on Friday night at Ifite village in the state capital, has left the university community and locals in deep shock and grief.The victim, a lecturer from the Psychology Department at the esteemed institution, reportedly engaged in a verbal altercation with his domestic servant, leading to a physical confrontation that turned deadly. According to available information, the servant attacked the lecturer with a pestle during the heated argument.A video, now circulating on social media, captured the suspect confessing to the heinous act. In the video, he admits to striking the deceased with the pestle multiple times, resulting in the lecturer falling to the ground. The confession details the events leading up to the fatal altercation.As per the suspect’s account, the argument ensued when the lecturer asked why the servant had not washed the dishes while preparing rice. Tempers flared, and the situation escalated quickly. The servant claimed that the lecturer slapped him, prompting further retaliation and violence.Regrettably, the confrontation reached a point of no return, and the servant resorted to using a pestle from the kitchen to strike the lecturer on the head. The lecturer succumbed to his injuries before reaching medical attention.During the initial investigation, the servant denied any involvement in the lecturer’s death. However, under intense scrutiny and questioning, the suspect eventually confessed to the crime after being physically subdued by authorities when his actions appeared suspicious.A close family source revealed that while the deceased was being rushed to the hospital for medical aid immediately following the altercation, the suspect reportedly attempted to further harm him, even trying to choke him inside the vehicle. Fortunately, witnesses intervened and restrained the servant, leading to suspicions that he was behind the lecturer’s injuries.The state police spokesperson, DSP Tochukwu Ikenga, confirmed that there was no official report of the incident at the time of contact. However, he assured that he would gather information from the command responsible for the area and provide further updates.The academic community and the public at large are left mourning the loss of the lecturer, who was a well-regarded member of the university faculty. The investigation into this tragic event is ongoing, and authorities are working diligently to bring the perpetrator to justice.


Ademola Adeyemi

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