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Deadly Showdown: Rival Cults Clash at Eke Awka Market, Anambra State

A tragic clash between rival cult groups at the bustling Eke Awka market on Wednesday resulted in the untimely death of a man identified as Igwe Omeli. The incident, characterized by intense crossfire, sent shockwaves through the community as residents grappled with the aftermath of the violent altercation.According to reliable sources, the clash erupted as the rival cult factions vied for supremacy over the control of the market. Regrettably, Igwe Omeli, who was suspected to be one of the leaders of the Aye cult group in the market, found himself caught in the dangerous crossfire.An anonymous source from within the market, speaking under the cloak of anonymity for security reasons, divulged that the clash stemmed from deep-rooted market politics. The deceased was allegedly utilized by his group to enforce their agendas, making him a target for rival factions.As the tragic events unfolded, witnesses reported that members of the Baga cult group relentlessly pursued Omeli. Seeking refuge, the victim fled into the market in an attempt to rally his supporters for protection. Tragically, before his followers could react, the assailants caught up with him, dealing a fatal blow. Shockingly, the attackers mutilated Omeli’s body, severing his head and genitalia using butcher’s knives.Fortunately, further bloodshed was prevented as members of the rival cult group dispersed before the deceased’s supporters could retaliate.The violent incident echoes another recent clash between the same rival groups, which resulted in the death of one individual just a few weeks prior.In response to the disturbing events, the state Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Ikenga Tochukwu, confirmed the incident, revealing that the police have intensified their operations in the area. Investigations are currently underway, but no arrests have been made at this time.”The incident appears to be cult-related,” stated DSP Ikenga Tochukwu. “We are diligently gathering information from eyewitnesses and witnesses to aid in our ongoing operations to bring the perpetrators to justice. Our priority is to restore peace and security to the community.”As the authorities continue their investigations, the community remains on edge, mourning the loss of a life and grappling with the need for increased vigilance to prevent further tragedies.


Ademola Adeyemi

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