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Police Arrest Woman in Bauchi state for Poisoning her 4-day old Stepson with Insecticide

In a grim turn of events, a 24-year-old woman, Furera Abubakar, finds herself under arrest following allegations of fatally poisoning her co-wife’s newborn with insecticide. The heart-wrenching incident unfolded within the confines of Bantu Village, nestled in the serene expanse of the Ningi Local Government Area in Bauchi State.Ahmed Wakil, a seasoned Superintendent of Police and the articulate voice of the state’s Police Public Relations, shed light on this tragic occurrence through an official statement titled “24-year-old Housewife Faces Charges for Infanticide in Ningi LGA,” released on a somber Tuesday. The heart-wrenching incident transpired only days after the innocent soul’s arrival into the world on August 15, 2023. Tragically, before his name could even grace the lips of his loved ones, young life was extinguished by the very hands meant to nurture and protect.Wakil, his words carrying the weight of the investigation’s solemnity, revealed, “Operatives entrusted with upholding the law within the Bauchi State Police Command have apprehended Furera Abubakar, a 24-year-old resident of Bantu village, situated within the Ningi Local Government Area.” She stands accused of culpable homicide—a grave charge that highlights the severity of the alleged act.The heartrending incident was first brought to the attention of authorities on August 19, 2023, sending shockwaves through the community. In a heartrending twist of fate, the infant, who had only known life for a fleeting four days, was purportedly snuffed out by Furera Abubakar on August 19, 2023—mere hours before he was due to be christened and bestowed with an identity.Preliminary investigations, poignant in their revelation, unveil the intricate web of relationships that tie this tragedy together. The suspect, Furera Abubakar, is no stranger to the infant’s life, as she occupies the role of co-wife to the victim’s mother—a connection that lends this heart-wrenching incident a deeply personal dimension.Wakil further elucidates the method that allegedly claimed the young life, stating, “The suspect surreptitiously entered the sanctity of the co-wife’s abode, armed with a vial of liquid insecticide. With an act that defies comprehension, she applied the toxic substance onto the delicate, unhealed umbilical cord of the infant.”The wheels of justice are set in motion, with the investigation poised to delve further into the matter’s intricate details. Amidst the tears and the heartache that this incident has unleashed, one thing remains certain: Furera Abubakar will face the full extent of the law. The looming legal proceedings will determine her culpability and, if proven, she will be held accountable for the life so tragically lost.


Ademola Adeyemi

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