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Seven Worshipers Brutally Slain as Bandits Invade Kaduna Mosque

Tragedy struck Saya-Saya Village in the Ikara Local Government Area of Kaduna State on Friday when a group of bandits, during the observance of Isha’i (sunset) prayers, unleashed a deadly attack upon the local mosque, resulting in the loss of seven innocent lives. This disturbing incident saw five worshippers, along with a vigilante leader, fall victim to the ruthless assailants within the confines of the mosque, while two more individuals met a similar fate in different parts of the village.

Abdulrahman Yusuf, the village head of Saya-Saya, confirmed this horrific occurrence, revealing that the vigilante leader had been specifically targeted by the assailants and was relentlessly pursued to the mosque, where the fatal assault took place. Yusuf recounted the harrowing ordeal, stating, “We suspected they traced the vigilante leader to the mosque to attack him. We were inside the mosque praying when they arrived and started shooting. Five persons were killed in the mosque, while a driver who brought food items to the village was also killed. The other person was killed at a nearby village.”

In response to this tragic incident, heightened security measures have been put in place in Ikara, as authorities strive to ensure the safety of the community. The acting Police Public Relations Officer in the state, Mansir Alhassan, confirmed the attack and the subsequent police mobilization efforts, as law enforcement intensifies its efforts to apprehend those responsible for this heinous act.


Ademola Adeyemi

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