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LASTMA Heroes Save Trapped Motor Boy, While Container Truck Driver Dies in Tragic Accident

In a tragic incident that unfolded on Thursday, operatives from the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA) displayed swift and heroic efforts as they rescued a motor boy who found himself trapped beneath a fully loaded 40ft container, while regrettably, the driver of the container lost his life on the spot.

According to a statement issued by Adebayo Taofiq, the Director of Public Affairs and Enlightenment Department at LASTMA, the harrowing accident transpired along Wharf Road, opposite the Area B Police Command, en route to Apapa in Lagos State.

Egbetola Sulaiman, an official of LASTMA who spearheaded the rescue mission, provided insight into the incident. It was revealed that the fatal mishap involved a 40ft container laden with cargo hurtling at high speed, which tragically lost control and collided with a stationary tipper truck plagued by a tire malfunction.

Swift and coordinated efforts from LASTMA officials and other emergency response teams on the scene led to the successful extraction of the motor boy who had been trapped in the wreckage. Unfortunately, the driver of the fully laden 40ft container met an untimely demise at the crash site.

The deceased driver’s body was subsequently taken to the Area B Police Command, while the rescued motor boy was promptly transported to the nearby General Hospital in Apapa for immediate medical attention.

Notably, among the emergency responders present at the scene were representatives from the Federal Road Safety Corps, the Nigerian Police, and the Nigerian Port Authority.

In the wake of this tragic incident, Mr. Bolaji Oreagba, the General Manager of LASTMA, issued a stern cautionary statement directed at truck drivers. He urged them to exercise heightened vigilance and consideration for fellow road users, underscoring the critical importance of safe driving practices to prevent such calamities in the future.


Ademola Adeyemi

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