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Couple Arrested for Alleged Palm Oil Business Scam in Ondo State

In a recent legal development, Mr. Oluboyo Temitope and his spouse, Mrs. Suliya, found themselves before the Ondo State Chief Magistrate Court, seated in Ore within the Odigbo Local Government Area of the state. The couple faced a two-count charge that revolved around allegations of fraudulent activities and the act of obtaining money under false pretenses.

The charges, which stem from purported actions undertaken between January and August of 2023 in Kajola, Araromi-Obu, fell under the jurisdiction of the said magistrate court. According to the prosecution, the couple is accused of deceitfully acquiring the sum of N6.47 million from individuals identified as Kazeem Mojirade Sarufat and Kazeem Morufat. They purportedly did so by promising to supply kegs of palm oil, a promise that remained unfulfilled as the funds were allegedly diverted for personal use.

Inspector Muyideen Yekini, representing the police, asserted that the defendants jointly conspired to commit a felony by obtaining money under fraudulent pretenses. This act is said to contravene Sections 516 and 419 of the Criminal Code Cap. 37 Volume 1 Laws of Ondo State of Nigeria, 2006.

However, the defendants entered a plea of not guilty in response to the charges leveled against them.

Subsequently, the prosecutor requested an adjournment to allow for a thorough examination of the case file and to prepare witnesses for the impending trial. Additionally, the prosecutor sought the court’s decision to transfer the case file to the Araromi-Obu Magistrate Court.

The defense counsel, Mr. O. J Ikudaisi, did not oppose the prosecutor’s application and, in fact, urged the court to grant his clients bail under the most liberal terms. Conversely, the prosecutor objected to the bail application, expressing concerns that the defendants might misuse the privilege if granted.

In a decisive ruling, Chief Magistrate B. A Ikusika granted the defendants bail. Each was required to post N1 million as bail with two sureties matching the same sum.


Ademola Adeyemi

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