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Rising University Fees in Nigeria Spark Protests and Concerns Among Students, Parents, and Educators

As the country’s tertiary institutions prepare to commence a new academic session, a growing wave of discontent ripples through the academic community. Lecturers, students, and parents have united in protest against the escalating university fees, which have become more prevalent against the backdrop of a deteriorating economic climate.

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), representing the teaching faculty, along with parents and students, is voicing apprehensions about the potential consequences of these fee hikes, particularly the likelihood of a surge in student dropouts.

ASUU’s National President, Prof. Emmanuel Osodeke, expressed strong disapproval of the fee increases, emphasizing that universities should not be regarded as profit-driven enterprises. These concerns intensified with the recent announcement of a revised fee structure at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.

According to the university’s Public Relations Officer, Abiodun Olarewaju, fresh students in certain faculties are now facing fees as high as N151,200, a stark contrast to the N20,100 paid by returning students in the last academic session. Similar stories unfolded at other institutions, such as the University of Benin, where science students saw their fees soar from N73,000 to N190,000.

These fee hikes, attributed to the rising costs of learning materials and the need for adequate funding, have sparked protests and discontent among students. Their dissatisfaction has spilled onto the streets, leading to demonstrations and calls for a reversal of these fee increases.

ASUU and other stakeholders, including the National Parents Teachers Association of Nigeria, have decried the situation, reminding the government of its constitutional obligation to provide accessible education. They argue that the inadequate funding of the education sector could result in a surge of student dropouts and an increased risk of criminal activities.

The debate surrounding these fee hikes raises fundamental questions about the affordability of higher education for the average Nigerian family. As the nation grapples with economic challenges, the burden of high tuition fees further exacerbates the struggles of parents and students alike.

In the midst of these controversies, calls for a more substantial government commitment to education resound. Stakeholders insist that prioritizing education funding at all levels is essential to secure the future of Nigerian students and prevent a potential crisis in the making. The current situation, they assert, is unsustainable and calls for a comprehensive reevaluation of the nation’s approach to education financing.


Ademola Adeyemi

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