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Police Arrests Man in Anambra State for Selling A Woman’s Nude Picture

In a recent development, the Anambra State Police Command has taken into custody one Chinedu Ezeudu, a resident of Ndi Ikpa village in the Ezinato community, Awka South Local Government Area. Ezeudu stands accused of disseminating explicit images and videos of a woman across various social media platforms.

The allegations against Ezeudu suggest that he resorted to releasing these compromising materials after his extortion attempts failed to yield any monetary gain. It is reported that he peddled the explicit videos of the young woman to individuals who sought such content, demanding a sum of N3,000 for access.

The victim’s ordeal came to light after she reported the incident to the office of the Commissioner for Women Affairs and Children’s Welfare, Mrs. Ify Obinabo. The commissioner’s media aide, Miss Chidinma Ikeanyionwu, confirmed the incident and revealed that Ezeudu proceeded to share the explicit content when the victim refused to meet his ransom demands.

According to the victim’s account, her troubles began in March 2023 when she lost her memory card. In June, she was contacted by the suspect, who demanded a substantial sum of money to prevent the release of the compromising videos. Refusing to comply, the victim found herself threatened with the dissemination of these materials on various social media platforms. Matters escalated when the victim’s husband confronted Ezeudu, urging him to delete the content, but by then, it had already been duplicated.

Despite repeated warnings, the suspect proceeded to upload the videos on platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, and others, profiting from those who sought access.

Miss Chidinma Ikeanyionwu noted, “Upon receiving the victim’s report, accompanied by Hon. Ejike Okechukwu, the Anambra State Police Command acted swiftly, apprehending the suspect.”

It has been disclosed that following a thorough investigation, the suspect will be brought before the Children, Sexual, and Gender-Based Violence Court in Awka to face appropriate legal consequences. The Anambra State Police Command continues to address such incidents with utmost seriousness, upholding justice and safeguarding the rights and dignity of individuals within the state.


Ademola Adeyemi

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