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Young Girl Gang-Raped by Six Boys in Anambra; Mother Distressed Over Missing Pants

Six individuals have been apprehended in connection with the alleged gang-rape of a 19-year-old girl in Anam, Anambra West Local Government Area of Anambra State. The suspects have been identified as Afam Ezenwa, Chijioke Ifeanyi, Collins Obadom, Abuchi Okechukwu, Chima Obiekezie, and Sunday Okafor, aged 16, 17, 18, 20, and 27, respectively.According to reports, the harrowing incident occurred when the victim visited her maternal home in Oramaetiti, where she was ambushed by the accused. They forcefully took her into a room and allegedly took turns in assaulting her.The victim, whose identity is being withheld for privacy reasons, recounted the terrifying ordeal, revealing that despite her pleas for them to stop, the perpetrators callously continued their actions. To make matters worse, one of the suspects even filmed the heinous act.After her cries for help were heard by neighbors, she was eventually rescued from her assailants. However, on her way home, she faced further harassment from a different group of boys, who threatened her life and demanded that she remove her pants. Fortunately, a compassionate individual intervened and took her back to her parents after the boys fled with her belongings.Disturbingly, the victim’s mother disclosed that this was not the first incident involving these criminals, stating that they were notorious for raping young girls and using their stolen clothing for ritualistic purposes. She has appealed to the state government to treat the matter with utmost seriousness, as her daughter’s life remains at risk and her missing pants are yet to be recovered.In response to the disturbing incident and the video circulating on social media depicting the gang-rape, the state Commissioner for Women and Social Welfare, Ify Obinabo, has confirmed that the suspects are now in custody and have been transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department in Awka. There, they will face appropriate charges for their alleged crimes.The Commissioner expressed deep concern over the rising crime rate among delinquent individuals in Anambra, urging parents and guardians to take a stronger stance in disciplining and guiding their children. This, she emphasized, would play a vital role in curbing such criminal behavior and ensuring a safer society for all.


Ademola Adeyemi

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