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Woman Who Whipped and Cuffed Children for Playing Football in Ogun state Faces Court Action

The Ogun State Police Command has officially acknowledged the apprehension of an unidentified woman who, shockingly, resorted to harsh measures against children for playing football within her premises. This unsettling incident came to light through a viral video that stirred widespread outrage.

The footage, widely shared on social media, showcased the woman’s aggressive actions as she lashed out at three young boys playing football, accompanied by threats of their imminent arrest. “Do you want me to have you arrested? Lay down and take your hand off,” she demanded, while one of the terrified boys implored her to stop, citing a recent recovery from an illness.

In a disturbing turn of events, she made the boys sit in a puddle before ultimately handcuffing them and leading them away. The incident, as reported by the user who shared the video, unfolded in Sango Ota, Ogun State.

The online community swiftly condemned this shocking episode, with many demanding the woman’s immediate arrest. Social media user Certified Kim expressed disbelief, stating, “Just football??? I don’t believe this. How could she treat them like this for playing football? I am incensed.”

Tubosunn echoed the sentiment, insisting, “This woman needs to face legal consequences for her actions. Treating children in such a manner shows a lack of maternal instincts. Moreover, where are the parents of these children? They should pursue charges for this egregious act.”

Peter_ezuma1 weighed in, asserting, “That woman is heartless and cannot be considered a mother because any mother would not act this way. Children in the neighborhood enjoy playing football, and it’s bound to spill over into other compounds.”

Tipsy Odds raised questions about the woman’s affiliation with the police, as the video depicted the boys in handcuffs after her punishment. “If her actions were solely because of football played in her compound, legal proceedings must take their course,” he urged.

Upon reaching out to the Police Public Relations Officer of the state Police Command, Omolola Odutola, it was confirmed that the incident was under investigation, and the woman was facing prosecution. “The case is now in court,” she stated succinctly in response to inquiries.


Ademola Adeyemi

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